May 2020 — Present
CodeIAM India Pvt. Ltd. is a Startup IT company with a Main branch located in Australia and a sub-branch located at Kolkata. CodeIAM provides services to different clients across the world.
HuddleIQ is a web-based online board with multiple functionalities, like drawing on the board with share, audio and video conferencing with screen sharing, file sharing, chat, pole, and many more functionalities. Also, the board has features like simple pen drawing, highlighter, multiple shapes draw, Math and Graph functionality, Image Library, Table and Grid, etc.... its main audience is Education and Corporate purpose.
I am Handling the Design of the HuddleIQ project, for that I am responsible for handling new requirements to create a wireframe and once it’s approved, convert it into the code with HTML, SCSS and Angular components with responsive design to be compatible with all modern devices. Also, Maintain existing design and maintain frontend with Angular part as well.
Web Designer / Front-end Developer / Design Team Lead (Odysseus Solutions) 
July 2017 — May 2020
Odysseus Solutions is one of the fastest-growing IT companies, Main branch is located in Miami and the sub-branch is located at Baroda. They have provided booking engine solutions for cruise, hotel and air booking for business users and clients overseas.
I am Handling Design across the Cruise, Air and Hotel Products for Old and New clients, Creating themes for them, Maintaining old designs Creating new designs as per requirements and designing for new enhancement features. Also, I have Redesigned the Cruise, Air and Hotel Existing products just with HTML and SCSS to look up a new fresh design, also responsible for the team to lead and guide 8 members of my team, distribute the tasks and manage and code review.
We manage a single product with multiple clients with their design theme without losing functionality, also provide multi-theme, skin and layout support to all clients and design supporting cross-browser, cross-device and RTL support.
July 2013 — June 2017
Promact InfoTech is one of the fastest-growing IT companies located at Baroda. We were having different projects for different clients in India and overseas. We were also responsible for the maintenance of projects.
Project: Wrapper:
Role: Web Designer, Front-end Developer
The Wrapper is a ‘CMS’ for the Huddle project to create and manage companies and each company handles its separate huddle and its users. It is specifically designed for Master and Company administrators to manage all things on living. In this project, we have configured huddle and whiteboard projects. We have provided an IPS panel for each company to handle it like the company can put content dynamically, it can create page dynamic, etc.. functionalities.
Design Layout for Admin and IPS panels separately, also designed dynamic blocks and components for IPS dynamic page design. Created Custom components in Angular4 and maintained it as a separate Angular4 library is md2
Project: Huddle:
Role: Web Designer, Front-end Developer
Huddle is an Online Teaching based application. It is specifically designed for Students to provide classroom functionality on the live. In this project, we provide live video calling or presentation, whiteboard, web sharing, screen sharing, chatting, poll, notepad, and much more functionalities.
Design Layout and whole modules separate design of the application, front end development with angular. Redesign and improve existing features as per new requirements and specifications.
Project: Whiteboard:
Role: Web Designer, Front-end Developer
Whiteboard is a web-based drawing editor and much more functionality provide for teaching purposes. The Whiteboard project is one part of The Huddle project. Our system provides drawing functionality in pen, highlighter, drawing shapes, drawing graphs, select, pan, zoom, pagination and endless document, upload file, open pdf, doc, and other format’s files, and much more functionalities provide in our system.
Design of all features with layout, icon fonts design with different themes, and maintain it. Redesign and improve existing features as per new requirements and specifications.
Project: Make It Now:
Role: Web Designer
Make it now is a web-based crowdfunding application. It is specifically designed for a creative person. They need funds for implementing innovative ideas, and the funder will get back a reward from that person. Its functionality is like before login you can search for innovative idea based projects, and after login, users can create a project and fund on another’s project.
Design partial Features, and maintain them. Redesign and improve features as updated requirements and specifications.
Project: Rudaca:
Role: Web Designer, Web Developer
The Rudaca is designed to Dynamically generate forms and record its data online system across Canada. Its use to the user can generate forms dynamically, and track records over there. The project has the ability to have multiple service providers for a single user.
Design all Features with layout, responsive with mobile devices, and maintain it. Developing new modules for application based on requirements from internal client
Project: Scout Décor:
Role: Web Designer
Scout décor is an online Home decorating site, the Develop application that works as a common platform for interior decorators and intended users to retrieve suitable decorators and vice versa. In this application there are two types of users as client and designer, it’s functionality like freelancing sites and the goal is freelancing of interior decoration.
Design all features with layout, responsive devices for multi-devices, and maintain it. Redesign and improve existing features as per new requirements and specifications.